detectives Category

The Long Goodbye

With a teary eye, the final episode of Vultures has just gone online.

‘The Long Goodbye’
is the concluding part of our comic detective serial and follows on from the events of ‘Attack Of The Pinkertons’

The episode is synopsised as thus:

‘With Isabelle Vultour captured and the Pinkertons establishing their firm grip on the town, the gentlemen detectives of V.P.I. must concoct a plan to get Isabelle back, stick it to the Pinkertons and for Vultour and McGrain… avoid a threesome with Natalie Blaise? But in order to do so they must rally the troops. And the actions of the bullying Pinkertons has ensure that there’s plenty of volunteers. This is it. The final battle. The detective apocalypse. Who will reign supreme? Who will prove to the best detective force in town? Or will it all descend into a terrible mess? This is the long goodbye, where the goodbyes are long and the farewells are hard.’

Thanks so much to all the cast and crew who worked on Vultures over the past 2 years, without you we wouldn’t have a low budget webcom!

Also, a big thanks to the people who have watched it and have supported the show since we first shot and screened that first episode in Christmas week back in December 2007. We’re glad to have reached the end of the road with it, it’s been a hell of a journey and this is a rather fitting goodbye. A long one.

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Meet The Terrific Three…

The trailer for the final episode of Vultures ‘The Long Goodbye‘ has just gone online.

Set in the glory days of 1998, when the summer holidays were spent laughing, running, solving and knacker drinking, we’re introduced to the teenage Dan McGrain, Jim Vultour and Natalie Blaise, all before things went very, very bad.

But for a while, these teen detectives were the best of friends and could do no wrong. And here they are, in all their Blyton-esque glory.

Thanks to the immensely talented gents that are David Sheenan, Neil Quigley and Peter Lawlor for producing that 70’s tastic title track. And also thanks to David Galster, James Doran and Hazel Doyle for such good flashback acting.

‘The Long Goodbye’ goes online this Sunday October 4th over at

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Vultures 6 & 7 Title Cards

We’ve just got our hands on the title cards for the upcoming Vultures finale. As is usually the case, Paddy Dunne has done another sterling job in representing the episodes in a fine display of design and fancy lettering.

Our idea for the Attack Of The Pinkertons title card was to go a little Manga on the look. And of course, pink. Which is quite befitting of the storyline in which the Pinkertons finally open shop and start their campaign to take over our little unnamed town. Our remit for this episode was to load up on the action and of course, we’re suckers for Manga so we thought it’d be a nice look for what’s shaping up to be our most violently cartoonish episode.

The title card for The Long Goodbye is a little more noirish and does a good job of evoking the sense that this is the final hooray for Vultures. We went a little 40’s noir on this as the episode itself has plenty of smoky bars, subterfuge, femme fatales and indeed, goodbyes.

Attack Of The Pinkertons goes online on Sunday September 20th.
The Long Goodbye will follow 2 weeks later when it brings all matters to an end on Sunday October 4th.

I’ll be posting a few bits and pieces here in the run up but as usuall, all things Vultures can be found over on

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The Adventure Of The Hidden Microfilm is online!

The newest installment of Vultures has gone online as of last night.

This is the fifth episode of Vultures and I’m probably the most satisfied (as in least complainy) with this one. The general consensus coming from the cast and crew screening was ‘the best one since Episode 2‘ which made me very happy indeed. Episode 2 has always been our best episode I think and it was nice to recapture the fast paced comic feel with this one. NOTE: If audiences prefer the ones with dead hookers and frantic fugitive escapades more than the ones about bin bags and blind dates, it’s a good indicator that audiences like things to be exciting!

Personally, my favourite aspect of ‘The Adventure Of The Hidden Microfilm’ is getting to see the depth of cast. The supporting characters are really effective in it and every actor has done fine work to create such distinctive characters. From my own perspective, playing one of the detectives, I think we’ve succeeded in freshening up the dynamic between V.P.I. and their relationship with each other. It got a little stale in episodes 3 & 4 I felt, but we seem to be back on track heading into the final strait.

So, do enjoy the fruits of our tired, low budget sitcom making efforts. This week I’m back to chopping the footage down for Episode 6, which will go online in August. If, for some reason, you have Vultures related needs, the only place for them is over at We’ll have some real nice little bits and bobs in the coming weeks.

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March 9, 2009 • detectives, irish sitcom, kilkenny, v.p.i., vultures

The Incident Of The Wrapped Sitcom

After a year and a half of shooting, we wrapped Vultures on March 7th and I’m very pleased with what we’ve got in the can.

It’s been a long haul. A lot of commitment, a lot of compromise but most importantly, a lot of fun. There were times when our ambitions vastly exceeded our budget and resources but with a lot of help from a lot of good people, we finally got it done. Now it’s a weary sigh and a heavy heart and an eye on the next couple of months of post production and promotion. Tell people about it, go on. It has a website and everything.

The whole series has essentially been a big hobby for all of us. And at the end of it, looking back on the number of people who have worked on it, it’s tantamount to a community project. With each shoot, we’ve got better and more proficient and we hope that’s reflected in the last 3 episodes (more on that down the way). For the past 10 weeks everybody has been firing on all cylinders and we hope it represents the pinnacle of the work that everybody has put into this project. To them all, we tip our hats.

We are so proud and so thankful of the work that our entire cast and crew have put into this over the past year and a half. Without them, we would have been rightly screwed. Also, we are very grateful of the support from Young Irish Film Makers and Cartoon Saloon who have encouraged and supported us throughout this. Maybe they see in us the same young whippersnappers they once were, but the two organisations have been incredibly supportive and if we can continue to do work as they have done, we’ll be happy campers indeed.

The Adventure Of The Hidden Microfilm’ our fifth installment will make its bow online this spring. More details shall be leaked onto the interwebs in the coming weeks so keep an eye out.

Also, I can now finally and quite happily announce that there’s not going to be 6 episodes in total. There’s going to be 7. We lied. Well, not really. We just realised that to do justic to the story we needed more time to tell it and fuck it, we’re doing it for free anyway so why not? The finale of Vultures will be a two part installment and both episodes will tie us up in a nice little package when they’re released this summer. We know what the titles are, but we’ll not divulge them just yet for slightly spoilerish reasons. So yeah, ‘Tennyson Dies Of Cholera’ and ‘McGrain and Vultour Make A Porno’ will be surfacing soon. Keep an eye on for all updates.

From a personal standpoint, I’d like to thank a couple of people in particular. Firstly, Alan Slattery helped me hatch the idea to him when we really had no idea of what it would become. Since then he has worked non stop to make Vultures into the best damn low budget sitcom he possibly can. You couldn’t ask for a better producer and indeed, friend. Paddy Dunne has given this project his all ever since that day on a sweaty bus when I asked him if he’d be interested in writing this detective yoke with me. I’ve never had the pleasure of working so close with someone who’s had such similar sensibilities. The writing part of the process has been my absolute favourite, a true pleasure. Ross Costigan has worked his wee white cotton socks off on Vultures since October and we’re so grateful that he decided to put his life on hold for this. If it wasn’t for Ross, it’s very likely myself and Alan would have collapsed into a horrible multi-tasking mess before we got to the finish line so for that, we are eternally thankful.

And lastly, but not leastly, I’d like to thank David Thompson and Sean Hackett who have been on this project since it’s conception. Back in 2006 they were the only two actors I knew who had enough screen experience, acting chops and the crucial ingredient, availability. Coupled with the convenience of myself, it made the best sense as our central trio and ever since then they have given up so much of their time to work on Vultures. If we didn’t have the two of them, we wouldn’t have had a show. Simple as that. They are toppers. On the last shoot, it just seemed like we achieved a level of fluidity as a trio, a really good working partnership and it’s something I’d love to revisit at some stage. For now, I’ll rest. Cheers. Cheers everyone.

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