saul bass Category

‘The Case Of The Poisoned Dates’ is a coming

The edit is nearly done and all the fancy bells and whistles are being put into place as we speak. So we can safely announce that the fourth installment in our constantly ongoing Vultures adventures will go online on Sunday February 1st.

We decided to go for a funky Saul Bass riff on the title card, plenty of primary colours and moving shapes. Paddy did a helluva of a job on this one, drawing from the title cards he designed for The Man With The Golden Arm, Vertigo, Psycho et al. It looks a treat, the title card fanboy in me just went wild.

As for the episode itself, I’ll let the promo blurb from the website do the talking:

“Our newest episode sees the arrival in the V.P.I. offices of a TY student on work experience. Played by Suzanne O’Brien, Janine Drew is brash, ambitious and what in social circles is known as a ‘chav.’ Her appointment coincides with a series of errant romantic entanglements that degenerate into a potential powder keg of social embarrassment, messy divorce cases and extreme violence.”

So that sums the whole shebang up. There’s plenty of surprises in store on this episode and we had a great time writing it and filming it so I hope that translates on the computer screen. I’m also hoping it’s going to show the improvement and the confidence we’re gaining as the project progresses. Not to mention the crew. What a bonus!

It’s going online Sunday week so please do give it a watch. It’s also available on iTunes if you’re an iTuner.

We’re still in the midst of filming the 5th and 6th parts back to back, I’ll write something about that soon. This mix of pre-production and production and post production leaves very little room for internet updates, or anything else for that matter but I’ll try my darndest.

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