October 20, 2011 • Hot Water Bottle, mycrofilms

Hot Water Bottle Trailer

Here’s the trailer for our new film Hot Water Bottle.

It’s taken us a long, long time to make it (and we’re still not entirely done yet) but it’s having a preview screening this coming weekend in Dublin at the 2011 Darklight Film Festival. Us film peeps at Mycrofilms are going to be exhibiting some work as part of the New Indie Voices section. We’ll also be screening a few bits and pieces from Vultures. It’s a nice way to introduce our work to a different community of filmmakers.

Hot Water Bottle is the first short film I’ve wrote and directed. I don’t know why it took me so long to get around to making a short, but it did. I’m lining up another one for late next year hopefully. With Mycrofilms, we’ve developed a plan to produce two short films a year for the next 3 years anyway. For 2011, it’s Hot Water Bottle and Baby Love, directed by Terrence White. We’ve lined up our projects for next year and we’re currently looking for funding for them. So this one is the first out of the traps, it’s not too dissimilar to Vultures, as in it’s the same team and same cast behind it. But hey, it’s a film about comfort zones anyway so I guess that’s quite apt.

Hot Water Bottle stars Suzanne O’Brien, David Thompson, Simone Kelly and Peter McGann. It was produced by Alan Slattery and Paddy Dunne. Soundtrack is by Supernova Scotia. It’s an unromantic comedy about comfort zones.

We’re currently shopping it around to various film festivals and hoping that people want to see it.