I’m very excited to be performing Running + Walking in the Phoenix Park by Martin Sharry as part of this years Dublin Fringe Festival. It’s a beautiful piece of writing and I’ve really enjoyed working on the piece alongside the brilliant Rachel Ní Chuinn.
A man is running for his life. Running helps the brain to regenerate. Over time, he forgets himself. He grows more interested in the trees, the history, the life of the park. A conversation with a horse chestnut reveals the nature of healthy being.
Then he stops.
Slowly, he starts again…
Four weeks rehearsing done on the show and your boy is limber of foot. Thanks to Deirdre Dwyer for giving me a costume that ensures I won’t get hit by a car in Project Arts Centre for the next two weeks. Here’s hoping anyway. Show runs 12-14 / 19-22 September at lunchtimes. Best audience member gets to keep my sweatband at the end. Book your tickets here.