kilkenny theatre Tag Archive


October 13, 2011 • bash: latterday plays, devious theatre

A Trailer For Bash

Here’s a trailer we did for our upcoming production of Neil LaBute’s bash: latterday plays.

It’s fairly simple stuff. We shot the opening lines of each of the three plays within bash (Iphigenia In Orem, A Gaggle Of Saints and Medea Redux) and set it to some lovely Billie Holiday music (featured quite heavily in the text) and that was it. The reason my mouth is covered in this promo photo is because I didn’t have the David Brent goatee I’ll be sporting in Iphigenia In Orem. Clever, eh? Our crack team of theatre professionals are full of clever tricks like that.

We’re currently nearing the final hurdle of production as bash opens in Cleere’s Theatre this Monday night October 17th If you’re looking for tickets you can get them in Cleere’s, book them on 056 – 7762573 or online here.

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July 21, 2011 • devious theatre

Getting The Shift

As the dust settles on our In The Future When All’s Well residency in Kilkenny Arts Office, we’re slowly starting to get around to organising the archive of material that came out of it. Which it turns out, is a shit load.

We’ve been putting a DVD together for Shifting with a few extra bits and pieces and it seemed as opportune a time as any to show a bit of it off on the internet. Out of the 3 plays we produced in the past 6 months I think this one was my favourite and I only wish we could have run if for longer, but hey, at least we have it preserved so I’m not going to complain.

This scene from Shifting opens the second act with a good old drunken sing song. We had plenty of precedence for putting this together in fairness. Most parties at Devious Theatre usually involve Bohemian Rhapsody at some stage so this was all too familiar to us.

Out of the context of the play, this is just a bunch of teenagers being drunk and singing Bohemian Rhapsody. And yeah, in context, that’s pretty much it too!


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May 31, 2011 • Uncategorized

The Revolution Has Been Youtubed

Over at Devious Theatre (where I’ve been spending most of my days this year) we just released a video peek at our first show of 2011 Scratcher.

Scratcher was the first part of our current In The Future When All’s Well season in Kilkenny Arts Office. I wrote it in 2010 when I wanted to do something short, sharp and angry and I ended up being very happy with the end result. It played Dublin and Kilkenny in February around the same time as the national elections so it ended up landing right at the perfect time to stage a play based on change and revolution. We were very lucky that it ended up playing at a time when people were just sick to death of bullshit really.

The video here mostly demonstrates our front of house set up which was done to mirror a dole office in a very heightened way and generally make our audience feel fairly uncomfortable. If you didn’t attend the play have a look see and if you did, maybe you can find yourself shuffling your feet and trying to get through the queue very quickly?

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