Currently in the midst of a new run of my play War Of Attrition. We just finished a three night stay in Kilkenny and its up to Dublin from this Monday for a six night run in Project Arts Centre.
The Irish Times previews the piece yesterday and wrote these nice words:
“Devious Theatre returns with its Fringe hit from last year, a comic and darkly subversive take on chuggers, bilious internet bloggers and psychopathy. An unlikely camaraderie develops between a charity worker, an online scourge and a homeless guy, and it disintegrates just as quickly, with hilarious performances from John Doran, Roseanna Purcell and its writer John Morton (below). All are given supple direction by Niamh Moroney.”
That sums it up in a nutshell really. So if you’re looking for some theatre as you approach Christmas week, get thee to Project Arts Centre for some troll hunting, life hacking, online feuding, cyber spills and thrills.