October 17, 2008 • Uncategorized

The pen is down on Vultures Episode 4.

Myself and Paddy have been scribbling away on the Vultures scripts the past few weeks and we’ve just finished Episode 4. Which I can happily and unofficially announce (as there’s most likely noone reading) that it’s entitled The Case Of The Poisoned Dates. Which is most definitely my favourite Vultures episode title so far, if not the most tenously related to the actual episode. Ah well.

It’s going into pre-production from this very week and is shooting from the last week of October to the last week of November. I’m really looking forward to knuckling into this one. After each one, I always end up kicking myself in the shins about something so it makes me want to knuckle into the next one all the more. This episode is being directed by Ross Costigan (big hair, big camera, big www.oss237.com) so it’ll be great to step back and let someone else have a crack of the whip on it. I’ve learned some invaluable lessons as a director on the first 3 but I need the time to catch my breath and get myself into good shape for the back to back Episode 5/6 shoot. Ross has a great visual eye and a first rate natural instinct for comedy so there’s noone better to take custody of the baby for a while.

All manner of official announcements and the like will be oncoming soon. But do check out the website because it’s still looking mightily pretty.